Learn JavaScript for Web Development

JavaScript is most versatile languages to code applications for the browser, desktop, phone or tablet. Write program for client browser or web server. Build interactive web site with JavaScript.

JavaScript - History Object

The JavaScript history object represents an array of URLs visited by the user. By using this object, you can load previous, forward or any particular page.

The history object is the window property, so it can be accessed by:




Property of JavaScript history object

There are only 1 property of history object.

1lengthreturns the length of the history URLs.

Methods of JavaScript history object

There are only 3 methods of history object.

1forward()loads the next page.
2back()loads the previous page.
3go()loads the given page number.

Example of history object

Let’s see the different usage of history object.

history.back();//for previous page
history.forward();//for next page
history.go(2);//for next 2nd page
history.go(-2);//for previous 2nd page